About Me

An experienced mentor empowering women to reach their goals.

Siân is a busy mother with a busy career as well, so she can relate to every other woman who is trying to flourish in their career and raise a happy and healthy family at the same time! She loves working with other women, and helping them bring a better balance to their lives, helping them find ways to make life easier, and to do so in a sustainable way.

During the Covid pandemic, Siân qualified as a Nutrition Mentor, combining her leadership and mentoring skills with her passion for exercise, nutrition and healthy living. Since January 2022 Siân has brought nutrition mentoring together with her experience of workplace mentoring, to form Mentora efo Siân (Mentoring with Siân), recognising how important it is for busy women to prioritise themselves and their health, and to do so in a way that fits in around work, family and life.

“Through offering a combination of well-being, career and nutrition mentoring, Mentoring with Siân reduced my stress, improved my self-confidence, self-image and energy levels too.”

A leading ethos, and the way Siân works, is one of empowerment - empowering busy women to set healthy boundaries, challenge themselves and make decisions that adhere to their own personal values. By working in this way, choices and decisions become easier, and clients soon realise that small and sustainable changes can make huge and long-term differences.

Siân enjoys nothing better than seeing the difference the women she mentors make to their lives: whether it's something huge like a new job or career, or basic things like learning how to set boundaries and say "No" more often in order to spend more time with the children, working with Siân transforms the lives of women. Will you be next?

Siân lives in Y Felinheli with her husband and their two children. As a family they spend as much of their spare time as possible enjoying the amazing Welsh countryside, in the mountains, on the beaches and in the water, looking for opportunities for adventures along the way!

If you have a goal you want to achieve, but you’re not sure how to go about it, Siân will be able to get you started!

Want a better balance in life? Want more time with the children? Want less stress? Want to improve your nutrition, sleep, fitness or self-confidence? Siân can help!

Siân is a busy mother who juggles priorities every day, just like you! So if you want a Mentor who speaks the same language (in many ways!) and who really gets it, contact Siân for a chat.